• aethlwulf
  • alfred
  • bergred
  • canut
  • coenwulf
  • edwardVII
  • georgeVI
  • harold
  • henryMaryRose
  • JamesV
  • williamIII
The House of Hanover, 1714-1901

Victoria (1837-1901) Half - Farthing

Ref 21/407Price £35.00

1843, BMC 1593; S.3951


Victoria (1837-1901) Half - Farthing

Ref 21/408Price £25.00

1844, BMC 1594; S.3951, scratch behind head,


Victoria (1837-1901) Pennies

Ref 30/414Price £100.00

1899, 1901, Halfpenny, 1885, Fr. 150, 154; S.3954, 3961, 3956 (3) , last EF, others full lustre, some carbon spots,
good EF-unc


Victoria (1837-1901), Bronze issue Penny

Ref 17/C431Price £145.00

1887, Fr.125; BMC 1739; S.3954, full lustre,


Victoria (1837-1901), Bronze issue Penny

Ref 17/C434Price £140.00

1892, Fr.134; BMC 1746; S.3954, lightly toned, full lustre,


Victoria (1837-1901) Sixpence

Ref 17/468Price £90.00

1887 JH, withdrawn type B, R over V in VICTORIA, ESC 1752A [R2]; S.3928, toned,


Victoria (1837-1901) Sixpence

Ref 17/469Price £30.00

1887 JH, withdrawn type B, R over V in VICTORIA, ESC 1752A [R2]; S.3928


Victoria (1837-1901) Penny

Ref 22/511Price £80.00

1879, dies 9+J, Gouby B; F.97; S.3954, some lustre,


Victoria (1837-1901) Halfpenny

Ref 22/534Price £100.00

1862, dies 7+G; F.289; S3956, full lustre, lightly handled on reverse,


Victoria (1837-1901) Halfpenny

Ref 22/550Price £110.00

1892, dies 17+S, F.366; S.3956, carbon spot on head, full lustre,


Victoria (1837-1901) Halfpenny

Ref 22/556Price £35.00

1901, dies 1+B, F.378; S.3962, a few spots, otherwise brilliant


Victoria (1837-1901) Farthing

Ref 22/567Price £50.00

1872, dies 3+B, F.523; S.3958


Victoria (1837-1901) Farthing

Ref 22/572Price £28.00

1879 normal "9", dies 5+C, F.538; S.3958


Victoria (1837-1901) Farthing

Ref 22/573Price £50.00

1881-H, dies 7+E, F.548; S.3959, lightly toned,


Victoria (1837-1901) Farthing

Ref 22/583Price £20.00

1895, dies 1+A, F.571; S.3963, much lustre,
good EF-unc


Victoria (1837-1901) Farthing

Ref 22/584Price £18.00

1896, dies 1+A, F.572; S.3963, some carbon spots,


Victoria (1837-1901) Farthing

Ref 22/586Price £19.00

1898, dies 1+A, F.576; S.3964


Victoria (1837-1901) Farthing

Ref 22/587Price £20.00

1900, dies 1+A, F.578; S.3964


George I (1714-1727) Shilling

Ref 31/C714Price £105.00

1723 SSC, first bust, rev. SSC in angles, French arms at date, ESC 1589 [R2] 1177; S.3647


George II (1727-1760) Shilling

Ref 31/C719Price £170.00

1731, young head left, rev. T over E in A.T., ESC 1704 [1194]; S.3698
good F


George II (1727-1760) Shilling

Ref 31/C720Price £190.00

1737, young bust, second A in GRATIA unbarred, larger lettering, rev. roses and plumes in angles, ESC 1712 [1200]; S.3700
almost VF


George II (1727-1760) Halfpenny

Ref 31/C727Price £120.00

1753, BMC 883; S.3719
good VF


George IV (1820-1830) Shilling

Ref 31/C745Price £125.00

1825, type B, ESC 2405 (1254); S.3812, toned,


George IV (1820-1830) Farthing

Ref 31/C749Price £85.00

1822, first issue, obv.2 x2, 1823, BMC 1411, 1412; S.3822 (3), both
good VF


George IV (1820-1830) Farthing

Ref 31/C751Price £42.00

1827, 1830, BMC 1442; S.3825, edge knocks, otherwise almost EF, second
good VF


Victoria (1837-1901) Crown

Ref 31/C757Price £170.00

1844, young head left, rev. crowned shield within wreath, edge VIII, cinquefoils stops, ESC 2562 (281); S.3882 ,
about VF


Victoria (1837-1901) Crown

Ref 31/C758Price £190.00

1844, another, ESC 281; S.3882 (2), both


Victoria (1837-1901) Crown

Ref 31/C762Price £125.00

1889, 'Jubilee' type, ESC 2589 (299); S.3921, some light surface marks,
EF-good EF


Victoria (1837-1901) Double Florin

Ref 31/C774Price £125.00

1889, another, ESC 2702 (398A); S.3923
good VF


Victoria (1837-1901) Shilling

Ref 31/C786Price £125.00

1872, die no. 98, ESC 3042 [R] (1324); S.3906A, small edge knock on obverse, pleasantly toned,


Victoria (1837-1901) Shilling

Ref 31/C789Price £35.00

1893, old head, ESC 3153 (1361); S.3940, toned,


Victoria (1837-1901) Sixpence

Ref 31/C795Price £125.00

1887 JH, withdrawn type B, R over V in VICTORIA, ESC 3266 [R3] 1752C [R2]; S.3928, rare,
good EF


Victoria (1837-1901) Halfpenny

Ref 31/C819Price £72.00

1853 3 over 2, BMC 1538 [VR]; S.3949, rare,
good VF -EF


Victoria (1837-1901) Halfpennies

Ref 31/C821Price £72.00

1854, 1855, BMC 1542, 1543; S.3949 (2), first EF, last
good EF


Victoria (1837-1901) Halfpenny

Ref 31/C822Price £75.00

1858 8 over 6, BMC 1547; S.3949, toned,
good EF


Victoria (1837-1901) Halfpenny

Ref 31/C827Price £140.00

1861 dies 6+G, another 7+G, F.278, 282; S.3956 (2), both toned,


Victoria (1837-1901) Farthings

Ref 31/C832Price £50.00

1839, WW raised x2, 1841 unbarred A's in GRATIA (3), first two almost EF, last rare,


Victoria (1837-1901) Farthings

Ref 31/C835Price £35.00

1853 x2, 1855 WW raised (3), second poor, others
good VF


Victoria (1837-1901) Farthing

Ref 31/C840Price £42.00

1873, dies 3+B, F.524; S.3958, much lustre


Victoria (1837-1901) Farthing

Ref 31/C842Price £42.00

1875-H, older features, Fr.532[R]; S.3959 , some lustre


Victoria (1837-1901), Copper issue Penny

Ref 5/C21Price £28.00

1858 8 over 7, BMC1516; S.3948,
a bold VF


Victoria (1837-1901) Crown

Ref 22/376Price £75.00

1845, edge VIII, cinquefoils stops, ESC 282; S.3882


Victoria (1837-1901) Shilling

Ref 22/487Price £55.00

1893, ESC 1361; S.3940, edge bruise on obverse,


Victoria (1837-1901) Farthing

Ref 22/562Price £45.00

1854, BMC 1580; S.3950


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