Henry III (1216-1272) Penny
Ref 36/27 | Price £175.00 |
Wt. 1.43g., short cross coinage, class 7a1, London, +ABEL ON.LVNDE, SCBI 56, 1947; S.1356A
good VF
Henry VI, First Reign (1422-1461) Halfgroat
Ref 26/28 | Price £140.00 |
Wt. 1.65g. Pinecone-Mascle issue. LONDON. i.m. cross patonce IIIb on obv., rev. cross V, pinecone stops, mascle after RE, pinecone after POSVI and SIE, mascle before LA, Whitton -/28; N.1463; S.1877, toned,
good VF
William III (1694-1702) Shilling
Ref 31/M29 | Price £425.00 |
1700, fifth bust, obv. no stop between DEI GRA, cf. ESC 1150(1121); S.3516, rare, lightly toned,
Stephen (1135-1154) Penny
Ref 34/32 | Price £2,500.00 |
Wt. 1.40g., type 2, voided cross and stars type (c.1145-1150), BMC. type 2, Hertford mint, moneyer Jordan, bust facing slightly to the left, rev. +IORDAN:ON:HE:, voided cross pattée, mullets in angles, EMC 2016.0234; S.1280; N.878 , good metal and well struck for this issue, unique for this mint
Found at Worlingworth in Suffolk and recorded at the Fitzwilliam Museum – a unique type discovery for a very rare mint.
James II (1685-1688) Crown
Ref 35/C40 | Price £2,150.00 |
1686, first laureate and draped bust left, no stops, rev. crowned cruciform shields, edge SECVNDO, ESC 741 (77); S.3406, rare in this grade,
Ex. Rasmussen List 7, no. C248 and Norweb collection, Part 4, Spink Auction 59, 17 Jume 1987, lot 1494.
good VF
Richard II (1377-1399) Penny
Ref 36/40 | Price £100.00 |
Wt. 1.00g., local dies, York mint, group D, mm. cross pattée, cross on breast, pellets by shoulders, rev, quatrefoil in centre, N.1330d; S.1694; Stewartby p.267, good bust, weak legends
Henry VI, First Reign (1422-1461) Penny
Ref 36/50 | Price £325.00 |
Wt. 0.93g., rosette-mascle issue, Calais, cross IIIb/-, crowned facing bust, rev. long cross pattée, mascle before LA and rosette after SIE, Whitton 7; N.1450; S.1865, toned,
Ex. CNG, 115, 16-17 September 2020, lot 1116.
good VF
Henry VIII (1509-1547) Groat
Ref 36/54 | Price £1,950.00 |
Wt. 2.67g. Second coinage, Tower mint, i.m. rose, 'Greek profile variety, with unbroken line from brow to nose, Whitton p.55 and pl. xiii no. 8; Laker bust C, p. 10; N.1797; S.2337C , an extremely rare variety, a crisp example,
Whitton describes it as 'a scarce type' while Laker mentions that there are none in the British Museum.
good VF
Philip and Mary (1554-1558) Sixpence
Ref 36/58 | Price £1,350.00 |
Wt. 2.56g., no i.m., 1554, English titles only, busts of Philip and Mary facing each other, date below, rev. crowned garnished shield of arms, crown divides VI, N.1972; S.2507, creased and straightened, exceedingly rare,
Elizabeth I (1558-1603) Sixpence
Ref 26/59 | Price £275.00 |
Wt. 2.89g., second issue, 1573, i.m. acorn, bust 5A, BC 5, 5A; N.1997; S.2566, toned,
a pleasing VF
Elizabeth I (1558-1603) Sixpence
Ref 28/62 | Price £300.00 |
Wt. 2.89g., third issue, 1561, i.m. pheon, bust 1F, reads DG ANG FRA ET HI REGINA, small bust, plain dress between plain straps, rose behind, BC 1, 1F; N.1997; S.2560, on a big flan, some light surface corrosion, otherwise
about VF
Charles II (1660-1685) Milled Coinage Shilling
Ref 32/63 | Price £2,250.00 |
1663, first bust, rev. crowned cruciform shields, monogram in angles, ESC 500 (1022); S.3371, richly toned, reflective fields,
Elizabeth I (1558-1603) Sixpence
Ref 36/64 | Price £600.00 |
Wt. 2.94g., sixth issue, 1602, i.m. 1, bust 6C, BC 1, 6C; N.2015; S.2585, struck on a large flan, rare
Ex. Christopher Comber II, St. James's, 23 September 2021, lot 250, purchased B A Seaby 1978.
almost EF
Elizabeth I (1558-1603) Groat
Ref 36/65 | Price £675.00 |
Wt. 2.04g., second issue, beaded and wire line inner circles, i.m. cross crosslet, bust 1F, plain dress between plain straps, BC 1, 1F; N.1986; S.2556,, some faint scratches, good portrait, possibly once cleaned, rare this nice,
Ex. Christopher Comber II, St James's, 23 September 2021, lot 174, purchased Vale Coins, 1993.
good VF
Henry VIII (1509-1547) Groat
Ref 12/C65 | Price £325.00 |
Third coinage. 2.32g., TOWER, i.m. lis, bust 1 variety, cloak fastened by a brooch with two strings, broken saltire stops, rev. POSVI DEV, annulet in forks, Laker bust B; Whitton A2; N.1844; S.2369
about VF
Elizabeth I (1558-1603) Threepence
Ref 36/68 | Price £285.00 |
Wt. 1.44g., third issue, 1564, mm. pheon, bust 3F, smaller flan, small rose, beaded circles, BC 1, 3F; N.1998; S.2565, good portrait, toned,
Ex. Christopher Comber II, St James's, 23 September 2021, lot 197, purchased A H Baldwin, 1997.
Edward VI (1547-1553) Shilling
Ref 34/74 | Price £625.00 |
Wt. 5.03g., second period, CANTERBURY, 1549, i.m. t, bust 3, rev. oval garnished shield between E R, Bispham, BNJ 1985, p.137; N.1921; S.2468, creased, some surface encrustation, otherwise
almost VF
William and Mary (1688-1694) Crown
Ref 27/82 | Price £1,625.00 |
1692 2 over 2 upside down, conjoined busts right, rev. crowned cruciform shields, WM cypher in angles, edge QVINTO, ESC 84; S.3433, striking flaw by French Arms, once cleaned, artificially toned,
good VF
Oliver Cromwell Crown
Ref 36/86 | Price £8,750.00 |
1658 8 over 7, by Thomas Simon, laureate, draped bust left, OLIVAR.D G.R.P.ANG.SCO. ET.HIB&PRO, rev. crowned shield of the Protectorate, date above, PAX.QVAERITVR.BELLO, edge +.HAS.NISI. PERITVRVS.HIHI.ADIMAT.NEMO., ESC 10 (240); S.3226, with very early die flaw, attractively toned,
Victoria (1837-1901) Crown
Ref 35/C87 | Price £425.00 |
1893, old head left, rev. St George and dragon, old head, edge LVII, ESC 305; S.3937, , rare, toned, light mark on cheek,
Ex. Rasmussen List 21 (295)
George II (1727-1760) Shilling
Ref 31/M93 | Price £350.00 |
1741 41 over 39, young bust, rev. roses in angles, another, ESC 1718 [R5] (1202A); S.3701 , rare,
almost VF
Charles II (1660-1685) Shilling
Ref 25/101 | Price £400.00 |
1668, second bust, ESC 1030; S.3375, raised striking flaw on bust, otherwise,
William III (1694-1702) Sixpence
Ref 31/102 | Price £225.00 |
1697-C (Chester), first bust, rev. late harp, small crowns, ESC 1271 (1557); S.3533, weakly struck on truncation and corresponding area on reverse, otherwise
William III (1694-1702) Shilling
Ref 26/104 | Price £325.00 |
1697, third bust, ESC 1102; S.3505, adjustment marks, lustrous,
George II (1727-1760) Shilling
Ref 31/M106 | Price £750.00 |
1750, wide 0, 50 over 47, old bust, rev. plain in angles, ESC 1732 (1211); S.3704, pale grey tone,
George II (1727-1760) Shilling
Ref 26/122 | Price £450.00 |
1750, thin 0 in date, old bust, rev. plain in angles, ESC 1210; S.3704, pretty toning,
George II (1727-1760) Proof Sixpence
Ref 36/126 | Price £1,500.00 |
1746, old bust left, rev. plain, ESC 1619[R2]; S.3711, attractively toned,
good EF
George III (1760-1820) Emergency Issue Half-Dollar
Ref 27/127 | Price £600.00 |
Oval countermarked, Peru, Charles IV, 4 Reales, 1791, IJ, Lima mint, ESC 611; S.3767, rare,
Victoria (1837-1901) Crown
Ref 32/129 | Price £125.00 |
1893, old head left, rev. St George and dragon, edge LVI, ESC 2293 (303); S.3937
almost EF
Victoria (1837-1901) Shilling
Ref 32/136 | Price £875.00 |
1860, B over C or G in BRITANNIAR(?), ESC 3018 [R](1308); S.3904, light cabinet friction, richly toned, very rare,
George III (1760-1820) Emergency Issue Dollar
Ref 36/138 | Price £25,000.00 |
Oval countermark on France, Louis XVI, Ecu aux branches d'olivier, 1784 M, Toulouse mint, bust of king left, crown below, rev. crowned oval shield within wreath, scallop in legend, M below, ESC 1861, R6 [136]; S.3765B, a great rarity, toned, coin VF, counterstamp
Ex. J. Wynn-Williams. Purchased Spink January 1990
Victoria (1837-1901) Threepence
Ref 32/140 | Price £400.00 |
1858, last R of BRITANNIAR over B, ESC 3391 [R2](c.f 2065); S.3914, rare, toned,
George III (1760-1820) Shilling
Ref 31/M146 | Price £200.00 |
1820, large 2, large I in BRITT, cf. Davies -; ESC 2157 (1236); S.3790
George IV (1820-1830) Sixpence
Ref 26/152 | Price £300.00 |
1825, type B, ESC 1659; S.3814, lightly toned,
George IV (1820-1830) Shilling
Ref 31/M154 | Price £525.00 |
1824, type A/2, Davies 221; ESC 2400 (1251); S.3811, lightly toned,
William IV (1830-1837) Proof Fourpence
Ref 24/155 | Price £650.00 |
1836, by William Wyon after Chantry's model/reverse by William Wyon, bare head right, rev. Britannia right divides FOUR-PENCE, date in exergue, edge grained, ESC 1919 [R2]; S.3837, very rare, toned,
George III (1760-1820) New Coinage Shilling
Ref 36/160 | Price £185.00 |
1817, Davies 81; ESC 2144 (1232); S.3790, lightly toned,
good EF - unc
Edward I, 1216-1272. Penny
Ref 31/171 | Price £150.00 |
Wt.1.48g. class 1b. WATERFORD, DF 64; S.6254, ghosting on obverse otherwise
Ex. Kelso Hoard 1917.
good VF
Edward IV (1461-1483) Groat
Ref 31/173 | Price £700.00 |
Wt. 2.07g. LIMERICK. i.m. cinquefoil. L on breast, rosettes by neck, and in two angles on rev. DF 134; S.6342, rare, edge chipped below king's bust, otherwise
Henry VII (1485-1508) Groat
Ref 31/174 | Price £325.00 |
Wt. 1.95g., (Dublin), legend ends REX ANGLIE FRANCIE, rev. DOMINVS hYBERnIE, pellet cross ends, S.6414, double struck,
about VF
George IV (1820-1830) Proof Shilling
Ref 34/199 | Price £850.00 |
1826, type B/3, ESC 2411 (1258); S.3812, richly toned,
practically FDC
Edward VII (1901-1910) Halfcrown
Ref 32/199 | Price £345.00 |
1907, ESC 3573 (752); S.3980, lightly toned,
EF- unc
George IV (1820-1830) Sixpence
Ref 19/199 | Price £400.00 |
1821, type A, ESC 1654; S.3813, lightly toned,
George IV (1820-1830) Sixpence
Ref 36/208 | Price £265.00 |
1821, type A, ESC 2421 (1654); S.3813, pretty toning,
Edward VII (1901-1910) Shilling
Ref 32/209 | Price £100.00 |
1904, ESC 3590 (1413) [R]; S.3982, edge knock, otherwise
good VF- EF
Victoria (1837-1901) Shilling
Ref 31/M209 | Price £475.00 |
1858 58 over 39, type A3, ESC 3014 [R4] (1306C); S.3904, rare over date,
almost EF
Edward VII (1901-1910) Shilling
Ref 32/210 | Price £125.00 |
1906, ESC 3592 (1415); S.3982 , surface bag-marks,
EF- unc
Edward VII (1901-1910) Shilling
Ref 32/212 | Price £65.00 |
1907, ESC 3593 (1416); S.3982, untidy patchy toning,
about EF
Edward VII (1901-1910) Shilling
Ref 32/214 | Price £125.00 |
1908, ESC 3594 [R] (1417);S.3982, surface marks,
almost EF